Young Sook Hong - Fantasy and Some Strangeness

Young Taek Park (Kyung-Ki Univ. Art Critics)

In the first place, art is fantasy in that it deals with possible situations and possibilities.

This is mentioned that art itself is a kind of fantasy. Fantasy is a deviation from mimesis, and furthermore, a deviation from realism.

In retrospect, we can say at last that art is playful and has the ability to escape reality and destroy existing order or criticize it. To deny and destroy the present state and furthermore to design the possibility of a better life, imagination is required the above all. Imagination is not just an empty fad and a faked outcome. The reality shaped by imagination is a world of possibilities. This seems ridiculous at a first sight, but imagination continues to criticize the fundamentally given reality and opens up some kind of gap and hurts in the world of reality. This process creates a crack and results another alternative to the given circumstances. We are dreaming such thing continuously with imagination.

In that sense, art is daydreaming. It is just a dream. It also has been magic from a very long time ago. Religion, belief, and artistic activity are one of processes for self-salvation and healing of the heart. The imagination was used to save the life of the earth and the body by borrowing the power beyond human ability. So art was magic and incantation. Artistic activity is an activity of communicating with the soul of invisible world, exiting as the latent world nestled within the human being, and at the same time revealing the world in which the entire universe breathed together and communicating with the world. This is what art means. The artist shows the world invisible and at the same time works spiritually to heal the diseases of man and the world. The artist lets us to see what we can not see, and makes shape of things which is not seen. Through it, we can create irrational communication in multiple ways and possibilities of power.

The fantasy has the face of Janus. The one side of Janus is showing as an illusion related to deceit, deception, and deception, while at the same time the other side is appearing as an imagination of vision related to possibilities, day dreams, and future. So fantasy has two conflicting characteristics combined into one. In other words, illusion is a negative fantasy, but imagination is a positive fantasy. We need both of these fantasies. One of the negative fantasies is a night dream. It is built on experience explained by Freud. It is also referred to as "the many transitional forms of repressed libido." In the meantime, most psychologists who study dreams have decided that dreams are merely past-oriented. In retrospect, painting or sculpting is the work of the images or learned things that we have already seen or encountered in somewhere. It belongs to the past time, the memory. After all, this is mentioned that most art works are actually based on past experience and memory. We are saying that an art work reflects the impressive experience of the past.

Young-Sook Hong's paintings are a kind of fantasy, or an imaginative image and an unfamiliar world. It is also a world of symbol that grows prosperously while filling the screen tightly. It is a painting filled with small points and lines, and also its screen seems to be a reminiscent of space phobia. It is a screen that expands to enormous aura of vibrations and vitality of energy with enormous worlds, movement and speed achieved by the gathering of extremely small particles. It is the work of instinctively symbolizing the inner world with points and lines released from the mind, or repeating them only in a persistent manner, creating a symbolic kingdom of their own unity and parallelism. It is both a shared and an arbitrary text attributed to the artist covertly. However, the texts do not have a specific topic or content. These are pictures that put their ears in the eyes and put their eyes on their ears, which make them listen to the voice that the visual symbols themselves speak. These paintings will make you arouse a sense of transitional and fantastic feeling. It is another visual language and voice that is different from the conventional character or language. It reflects the desire for a new language of communication that is different from existing communication systems. It would be intended to resist all conventional symbols, languages, or to erase it and create other code.

In the paintings of Young-Sook Hong, the icons, colors and lines created by the artist are coexisting satisfactory. The pictures are overflowing as countless logos and symbols that exist in the world. It seems to make me thinking that thought and fantasy are spread out as if a tail is continually produced after the tail and automatically receive it and output it as icons and symbols. It seems to be reflecting the artist point of views regarding the world, in the universe, in the trust in spirituality. It also seems to attempt portraying, at least demonstrating, or testifying, for sympathizing with the artist life and energy.

Though the shape reminiscent of flowers is revealed, the painting draws the small lines are spread like cells and are connected like computer circuits in general. It is about to show the unconsciousness. In fact, not every object we see with eyes is its reality. The inside or content is composed of energy and vibration. Therefore, the mere appearance is not the truth of its existence. The art work of painting is also not enough to simply reproduce the appearance of things. Contemporary art liberated from the realistic point of view in Western traditional art and has been endeavoring to visualize the spiritual world of the subject, the inside of the object, and the subject who understands and understands it. The world and object we see are full of invisible power that can not be grasped by the outside. These things are also neither to see nor understandable

The artist feels the energy of world and objects through the unconscious. The artist wants to feel the vibrations of energy throughout the full of her body, not just the eyes, and also to express it as much as possible in her art work. So the picture visualizes the invisible energy. For this purpose, the painting is filled with a line drawn by unconscious freedoms as the use of an effective method of incorporating symbols and logos.

Thin lines such as dots and yarn are tightly connected and carved in the paintings of Young-Sook Hong. The painting drawn by Tempera radiates her thoughts and feelings. All the lines in her painting are connected. The point and line in her painting have a strong graphic feeling. As if following the law of chance, the line is always continuous forms an outline, forms a symbol, and eventually becomes a symbol. Also, the painting is showing intense graphic style combined with a huge imaginary world. Furthermore, the screen is filled with instinctive molding formative desires. The lines are twisting that vibrate as an energy, mimicking any shape, symbol, or character. In addition, all-over applied drawing is erasing around as well as center of her painting. Fast and full of energy is perceived throughout all of her painting. Fast and full of energy is filled up throughout all of her painting. That is just released in her painting.







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